Bill Martin

Company Samsung|Role Board Member

Bill has been involved in the storage industry for over 40 years, starting in 1983 with the development of a proprietary optical interface for HP storage, architecting the HP Tachyon interface chip for Fibre Channel, serving on industry consortiums and standards bodies for storage including NVMe, SNIA, INCITS/SCSI (T10), INCITS/Fibre Channel (T11), INCITS/SATA (T13), and SATA-IO. He gains industry agreement in a variety of technologies and brings together competitors for the advancement of the industry.

In addition to his role representing Samsung in SSD IO Standards, Bill currently holds the following industry leadership roles: Board member of the NVMe Board of Directors, Chair of INCITS/SCSI, co-chair of the SNIA Technical Council, Chair SNIA CMSI, co-chair SNIA CS TWG, Co-Chair SNIA SDP TWG, co-Chair SNIA Standards Committee, Secretary of INCITS/SATA.

Bill has received numerous industry recognitions for his contributions to the storage industry over the past decades including: SNIA Volunteer of the Year award 2021, NVM Express® (NVMe®) 2.0 Specifications Award 2021, INCITS Gene Milligan award for effective committee management 2016, INCITS Merit award 2013, FCIA Achievement award 2010, INCITS Outstanding Leadership Team award 2007, INCITS Technical Excellence award 2005, FCIA Lifetime Achievement award 2005, and SNIA Outstanding Theme lead for the interop lab 2004.